Today, something awesome happened at the gym. I was doing upper body weight training and there was this guy by my side doing some heavy stuff. I mean, the weights he was lifting were probably far heavier than me... and I was there, doing my thing, singing (yeah I sing out loud while working out), he came up to me and asked what was I training for. And I was like "excuse me?" And he said "you for sure are from some team, right? Voley? Runner? It's a really specific training you're doing, it kinda looks like you really know your stuff". Ok if he was trying to hit on me he truly knew where to go heh. I told him I wasn't training for anything specifically, I just liked to do weights... and he asked me who made my exercise list, and I said I do them myself, that I do research and write them down so I can change the routine always...Anyway, the point is the guy is a personal trainer and hearing that from him truly left me stoke. I'm serious business with my workout ha! Wait until I become a sports physician and you'll see.
As for my training, it looks like this:
*Warming up - 20min elliptical, level 15,
Upper Body Training.
*Cable Bent Over Triceps Extension: weight - 22lbs / reps: 12 (2 sets).
*Dumbbell Hang Clean: weight - 26.4lbs / reps: 8 (2 sets).
*Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension: weight - 17.6lbs / reps: 8 (2 sets).
*Thruster: weight - 17.6lbs / reps: 10 (2 sets).
*Barbell Upright Row: weight - 11lbs / reps: 12 (2 sets).
*Lat Mach: weight - 55.1lbs / reps: 12 (2 sets).
*Barbell Bent Over Row Plus: weight - 22lbs / reps: 12 (2 sets).
*Low Row - weight - 66.1lbs / reps: 12 (2 sets).
*Cable Face Pull: weight - 27.5lbs / reps: 12 (2 sets).
*Dumbbell Cuban Press: weight - 17.6lbs / reps: 12 (2 sets).
*Cool Down - 25min jog.
ps here: I've been doing this for quite a bit and it's been awesome. Weight training is great for releasing fat from the cells but not really to use this fat afterward. What you should do is an aerobic exercise after training, so this fatty acids previously released can be used for energy. :)
Let's talk business, right? So it's been a while since my last post... sorry guys, for that I didn't make an extra effort at all. So here is Friday's lunch.
Oysters with onions, tomato and ricotta cheese, and my broccoli obsession continues...
So I mentioned it's a holiday here in Buenos Aires since last Thursday... gym didn't open on Friday, so I woke up at 7am, took the subway to where I used to live and came running from there. Best decision ever. It has tons of parks one next the other and I was able to fit in a 8K. So proud. I might be doing this all weekends now to improve my distance run... :)
Friday night went over my friend's house to hang out a bit...
Opening a wine with a knife is not just talent. It's art.
As for Saturday, my lunch was so so good...
This would be tuna, spinach, tomato, onions and ricotta cheese on a whole wheat 984393 grain bread and broccoli. Spread those babies on the toast and it's sex in the mouth.
I came back from the gym and ended up talking to my roomie about guys and all that... so when I realized it was almost 1am and I still needed to shower! So no mood for cooking, I used the leftovers from lunch and did a bread-pizza.
I spread the tuna mix on the bottom, covered it with unsalted cheese (I know I'm weird) and put it in the oven. Quick and yummy. It might have been followed by more almonds than people have in their lifetime.
How do you guys manage your time? How do you keep your mind set with your priorities? I would love to know so I can be awesome like you!
Have you ever opened and wine with a knife?
Tons of times... hey, it's wine and there ain't nothing that can keep me from drinking it.
Really random, but did you guys watched American Idol last Thursday?
Holy lord, I cried big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought Casey was going to have a heart attack... it was beautiful. (Steven Tyler style).
pps. I STILL CAN'T FEEL MY %SS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time management? What's that like? :-) The first thing I do (the first priority) is always the thing that's going to be the biggest pain in the you-know-what the next day if it's not done. And I can't do anything without a clear head so it's important to me to keep personal priorities mixed in with the work/school ones too. I find that putting them in your schedule just like they were a meeting or a doctor's appointment helps... I think if you schedule your workout into the middle of a busy day, you're less likely to waste time before or after.
ReplyDeleteI also think you have an amazing attitude about working out and how it's going to help you to get to where you want/need to be! Just because it's a "hobby" for some doesn't mean it can't be educational for you, right?! Awesome post!
Olha, vou ser bem sincero contigo: não li o post!auahuahuahua li só algumas partes! :S
ReplyDeleteEu fico meio que com preguiça de ler em inglês, ainda mais agora, que são 02:30 da manhã e tomei uma tonelada de café pra conseguir ficar acordado a madrugada inteira e ir direto pra facul! :x
Anyway, eu abri um vinho esses dias com faca, mas o meu jeito foi ainda mais foda: NÓS EMPURRAMOS A ROLHA PRA DENTRO! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk eu tenho fotos aqui, vou te mandar pelo face!
Adoro as suas comidas, cara. Foda que aqui o clima ainda tá meio tenso pra fazer comida, sei lá, não vejo a hora de mudar de casa :S mas as coisas tão indo em um bom caminho, e logo logo acho que já estarei melhor instalado :D
Boa sorte com os estudos, Ly, e foda-se o que o povo diz. O que importa é você ter noção de que está sabendo lidar bem com seu tempo e fim. Tá feliz? Então pronto!
@Laura: wow! You sure are organized! I don't seem to be able to do that... mu workouts need to be like really planned but never in the middle of a busy day... it's either before or after! 'Cause I'm pretty picky with I should I be eating before or after the workout and if I put it in the middle of the day I might be too tired, too hungry, too full, I'm sure to find an excuse!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliments! I think that it always starts as a hobby for most of us, but then it becomes part of who we are! :)
@JC: AFFE VEI VAI PRATICAR INGLES OI? Por que voce tava acordado a noite toda? D:
Mas q q tem a ver a casa com cozinhar, nao entendi? O guri chato proibe voces de cozinharem? :S
Brigada! Boa sorte pra voce ai tambem, espero que esteja tudo certo... e para de comer porcaria!
Ai, é uma longa história essa coisa de fazer comida em casa. Sabe aquilo de 'outros comem as suas coisas'? Por aí!
ReplyDeleteMas eu nem ando comendo muita porcaria não, eu almoço bem bom no RU, a salada lá é bem legal, pq na cidade tem muitos vegetarianos :D
E ou, miojo é menos de 1 real, nem sai tão mais barato comprar verduras ahuahuauau mas o problema também é que os lugares bons de comprar verduras e tal são longe, e eu tô mega sem tempo, sempre tem algo pra fazer, daí...mas eu comecei a melhorar :D
Se achou a foda só porque o cara foi falar com você UAHAHHUAHUAHUHAHAUUA maior carência, vei KKKKKKK brinks :)
ReplyDeleterepara como os seus pratos dae são mais bonitos, dae as fotos ficam mais bonitas rsrs os pratos daqui de casa são feios :(
ps.: quando eu falo PRATOS é o OBJETO prato, não a comida LOL
e eu não manage meu tempo, porque eu não tenho nada pra fazer com ele RS
ReplyDeleteUHAHUAHUAUHUHUHAHA eh porque os pratos da Damaris que sao lindos, eu qd tava na residencia comia em tapaware KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
AFFE VEI sai dessa vida, ficar ai nessa cidade uoh perdendo tempo, nao sei como voce dah contaaaaaaaaaaaaa :S