Wednesday, March 02, 2011

I'm definitely an outdoor person.

Wow. I've just signed up for the classes I'm gonna take this year. Let me try to clarify how the college system works in Argentina (although isn't even clear to me at all lol). First, before you start any career, you have what is called "Basic Common Circle". For 1 year, you have to take the basics classes from your career. In the case of Med school, I had to take: Cellular Biology, Chemistry, Math, Biophysics, Scientific Thinking and State and Society (this is related to Argentinian history. Yeah I know, go figure). So I did all those classes last year. Now, this year, it would be the actual first year of Medical school (despite the fact that they do consider this other one as first year). Now I get to move to the big building and get some real action: Anatomy, Histology and Mental Health.

Medical School of Buenos Aires (fyi, Che Guevara graduated there, heh).

Good kick-ass workout today. I'm trying to work on my speed a little rather than my miles... so I did 4 sets of sprints (400m at 11.5kmh). I was so breathless. It was the second time I did this, but last time I could do only 2 sets, so I'm proud that I doubled the time heh. :)  

I decided to import all my posts from my old blog (the one I used to write on as soon as I move to the US). Most of it is in portuguese (sorry, the smarty here moved to another country without knowing a single word in their native language), but some videos are interesting. So I started watching them and heck I should actually put some of the new ones here I guess :)  I'm gonna try to separate them by date, so you guys don't have to deal with a gigaaantic post. Each new post, I'll put some of the old videos, just so I can somehow have them all here <3

This was beginning of last year. My sister, my best friend and I went hiking to the top of the Itiquira Falls. Breath taking. 

Half way to the top. Look how darn far we were!

Finally getting there. And I could barely talk lol.

Chilling with this amazing view :)

This trip was last year... I moved from NY on December 13th, 2009, came to Brazil for a vacation 'till February and then moved to Argentina to start Med school  :) 

Just thought I could break a little bit my food obsession and talk about something else lol. 


Most hard-core outdoors adventure you guys have ever done?

This one was def my hardest. I did some hiking back in NY and some water-rafting, but none of them made me walk straight up to the top of a 168meters waterfall. 

Tell me something about you guys that isn't workout or food related! lol.

Well, I studied Journalism for 3 years, hated it. Thank God, 'cause I'm def much happier now. 


  1. I've never done any hard-core adventures, but one my my goals in life is to do the Machu Picchu thang...

    That medical builing is gorgeous! Sometimes I wish I was still in school... or could go back to school.

    Oh! And the cleanse I was talking about on my blog is from the book "Crazy Sexy Diet" by Kris Carr... it's not just a diet cleanse, it's lifestyle too. I can't wait!

  2. Great videos! I'm not that adventurous :) But I think it's awesome!

    I love kick ass workouts! Your school thing does sound pretty confusing :)

  3. Hey! Thanks for the blog comment, it was indeed a bizzare moment!
    Looks like this is the blog to follow since I speak English. :-) looking forward to checking it out!

  4. @Laura: Wow, one of my vacations plans on July includes Machu Picchu!! I've been dreaming on going there... my friend did a couple weeks ago and I keep drooling all over his pics *-*


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