Sunday, February 20, 2011


Adventures in pictures.

Got tired of Brazil and moved to NY by myself, out of nowhere, without knowing a single word in english.

I was living in Baltimore. Needed a vacation. Got my backpack, $300 bucks and went to Cancun. Alone :)  One of the best vacations I've ever done!

                                                 Playa de las Ballenas 

                          Snorkeling in Cozumel, Mexico with peeps I've met there.

                                         Chichen Itza, the Mayan civilization in Mexico

Still 2008:
Was living in between NY and NJ back and forth. Got dressed up as a japanese character called Yuuko for the New York Anime Festival. Blast!



Went on and met some cool outdoors freaks. Then we went hiking on Cold Springs, NY. 

It took me forever to get to the top 'cause my backpack had so much food in it that it was 2 times heavier than me.

Still 2009:
Met some other cool people at and we all went water rafting at Weatherly, PA

It was the first hot day of the year, so you guys can imagine how freezing the water was. Awesome.

Still still 2009:
NYC Halloween parade. Oh lord.

                       The guy wanted to turn around to be in the picture... I mean, why?

Hiking in Brazil (Itiquira Falls, Goias). 

2 hours walking at noon. No map. No water. All hills. All to reach the top of that waterfall. And we did it :)

Later on, still 2010: 
Moved to Argentina to go to Medical School - before taking a single spanish class in my life lol.

  This picture was in La Plata, a small city close to Buenos Aires, where I'm attending school :)

Started taking karate classes and got my yellow belt last December:

         Yup. I was the only gal. Who wants to do a sports filled with chicks anyway? :)

Went in a buggy in the middle of the dunes of Genipabu beach, in Brazil.

They ask you if you want the trip with or without emotion. We said "with LOTS of emotion". My ass still hurts from that.

Still 2011: 
Snorkeling in Maracajau, Brazil.

        I'm pretty sure I was a mermaid in another life. I mean, c'mon, look as this water!

Well well. Hopefully lots to come. Sorry about the pictures, I just felt like opening up a little bit about my craziness. I'm a little unstable, meaning that I'm not scared to leave everything behind and just go somewhere else by myself without knowing anyone or the language... I love traveling, I love meeting new people and I definitely talk too much as you can see. 


Tell me about the craziest things you guys have done in life!


  1. I love your craziness! I'm so glad I've found you---I can't believe what an adventurer you are. I need to get a little bit of that into my life :)

    Love the pics! Can't wait to hear more.

    1. OMG I think I've just read this comment, how awesome is that? haha Hope you're having much more adventures!! <3

  2. Between the beaches and the hiking I don't think I would ever leave Brazil, haha. You've had quite the adventurous couple of years! Good for you, for going for it!!

    1. Thank, Laura! I think you need to go down there, I promise you won't regret it! I can tour you around if you want, although with that big of a country, I might only know 5% of it d:


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