Two examples so you can get the point of it.
1) I wanna be a Sports Medicine doctor and specialize in Physiology of Running. So, I run. Not only I've grown to love this sport, but it's a good way to get to know the runners from the inside, their weaknesses, strength, fears and hopes. I think this is gonna make me more attached to my future patients once I can connect with them not only as a doctor, but as a runningmate.
Can you find me? d:
2) I also want to do some kind of studies about Traditional/Ancient Medicine, specially Oriental Medicine. I think countries like Japan, Korea and China has so much to offer us with their culture, their eating habits, their respect for the the tradition an so on. I've been studying japanese for 1 year and a half now. First, I started because I'm really into mangas and animes. Then I got to know more about the culture, fell in love with it and then it was too late. Most people have such prejudice with everything that sounds too unfamiliar and I really don't get it. I love all countries, all cultures and I could live 1 year in every country for the rest of my life. Maybe I'm too fearless, but I just don't see the point of doing the same thing with the same people forever. That's just me. Anyway, the point :) Now I've found a more honorable reason to keep my japanese studies on track. I think it's really good to have this sort of alternative medicine side on me, so I can offer my patients more natural treatments, which I believe is gonna be a huge influence on their performance.
Can't express how much I love this :)
So I have to run. To go to japanese class. To go to med school. To watch 11 tv shows/week. To watch one whole season of a korean drama/week. To stalk blogs. To go out. It really isn't easy and this year was all about trying to sort things out. I've slacked on school when I was running pretty good, then I slacked on running while I was having my finals. Maybe that's just how things go. Maybe we can do everything after all, just not 100% of all of them at all times. Usually, I'm pretty hard on myself and start blaming me for not being able to accomplish everything I want. On the top of that, I'm oh so darn impatient. But this year, with all its ups and downs, I've survived. So I can only look forward to the future and believe that things will start falling into places - a 42h day also wouldn't be bad at all :)
My cousins are in Argentina visiting me for Christmas and New Years, so my days are filled with tons of walking on a 100F sun, 5lbs of ice-cream, lots of 1pm wake-up call and so on. I'm loving it.