Enough with vacations, let's get down to business. If you've seen my
dailymile page (probably not d:). you'd notice that I was really into my training last January/February. Well, that obviously lasted 'till I got in Europe. I took everything I'd possibly need to run... but it did not happen. I could throw a thousand of excuses here, but truth be told, despite of my actually desire to keep on running, I just couldn't bring myself to it. Our schedules were completely hectic. We'd wake up at 7am, breakfast, walk, walk, walk, lunch, walk tons more, dinner, more walk, back to hostel around 1am. Repeat. Like I said, we were basically walking in between 15, 20, 25K a day. I'm not a person to go backpacking and then get in buses or subways to go anywhere. You're there to see stuff, right? So walk to it and you might find zillions of interesting stuff on the way. And that's exactly what we did! So, imagine walking those distances every.single.day for 13 days straight and you'll have an idea. By the time we were back at the hostel, I swear I could barely feel my legs... :( But still,
all that walking was great and totally worth it.
I know that sometimes it's really hard to keep on schedule with your training when you are out of your routine. Specially for me, I suffer a lot from re-adjusting into new environments, so by the time I get myself going, it's already time to head back. Usually, I'd let this stress me over and I would end up, sometimes, not having as much fun as I'd like to because I'd be all worked up on when or how I was gonna workout. This year, I just turned the
"screw this shit" bottom on and just went with it. Of course I did feel a little guilty about losing my so hard-earned resistance, but hey, I can always get that back right? It's not the same for opportunities and
momentos ;)
When I got back to Buenos Aires, I was pretty boomed about the score I got in one of my finals :( It was a really important one and I've studied my a** off, so I got really pissed and depressed about it, and unfortunately, I let this got the best of me and totally hibernated in my room. For almost 2 whole weeks, I'd wake up past 1pm, turn on the computer, eat if I wasn't to lazy to get up (most of the times I was), stay up 'till 6am, sleep again. I wasn't even seeing sunlight. Thank GOD, my roommate intervened and took me to a
frozen yogurt date... isn't she the best? <3 (besides, she also knows there's no depression in this world that can make me turn down an offer for free frozen yogurt d:).
After that, I've collected myself and went to meet my running mates... it was so nice seeing them all again (I haven't been training with them in forever since summer started because I couldn't bare the humidity, so I was training by myself at 6am, I know who was I?), and that alone pumped me up! So, as a repayment, I offered my roommate to run alongside her in her first race ever (Nike's Women 5K Race) and we had a BLAST!
And I don't care if I wasn't racing, a sushi after any race is a MUST!
So, now I'm really excited for my upcoming races! First, I'm gonna run the 6K "Water's Race" on April 15th, although I'm not gonna sign up for it first because I don't have a tree made out of money and second because I'm really not racing it, just using it as part of my training. Then, on April 22nd there's the FILA's 10K race ;)

By the end of May (not sure the exact day), I'll be running the Rosario's Half Marathon. Now, my experience with Rosario last year wasn't so pleasant (
who forgets their very first race (6K) and their very first injury?), but I'm really happy to see how I've grown in just one year! I know I could be in a much better place now if I didn't lack as much
consistency as I do. So, for this year, I'm gonna try to really focus on this word alone and just try my very best to be a better, smarter and stronger runner ;) I can not concentrate of the bad things and injuries that happened to me last year, or I'd never be able to move forward. I can only learn from them and make sure I don't make the same mistakes again... and also give myself some credit for being better than I was this very day last year ;) (actually, I started running at this exact time last year... how about that for improvement?).

Be positive and don't ever forget to give yourself credit for all the amazing accomplishments you've achieved! ;)