Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is he dark enough to see your light?

"He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking." 

— Leo Tolstoy [ Anna Karenina ]

This is real love. And then we have the rest.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Prince, boyfriends, wars and relationships.

What Maquiavel wrote:

"El que se hace señor de una ciudad acostumbrada a vivir libre, y no descompone su régimen, debe contar con ser derrocado él mismo por ella. Para justificar semejante ciudad su rebelión, tendrá el nombre de libertad, y sus antiguas leyes, cuyo hábito no podrán hacerle perder nunca el tiempo ni los beneficios del conquistador. Por más que se haga, y aunque se practique algún expediente de previsión, si no se desunen y dispersan sus habitantes, no olvidará ella nunca aquel nombre de libertad ni sus particulares estatutos (...)".

What I understood:

"If you become a girlfriend of a guy who's used to have too much freedom, and don't do anything to change it, you can count to be left out by the same freedom. To explain his attitude, this kind of guy will always use the freedom his used to have and his old ways of living, which is a behavior time can't make him lose not even the girlfriend's attributes. It doesn't matter what the girl does, and even if she tries to predict it, if  she does't detach him from his group, he will never forget that freedom nor its particulars ways (...)". 

My brain makes party out of the art of war. Deal with it. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Talks that should have happened.

- Hey, I just came really quick, don't have much time, but I've missed you, so I stopped by to say hi.
- Aww, how sweet! I've missed you too...
- I'm about to eat lunch, make me company?
- Sure. :D

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Love is right there. Just pick it up and give it to me.

"If you want more love, why don't you say so?"

Dear John Mayer,
well, I won't because I think there are many things in life we shouldn't have to ask for. And to be loved in a relationship should be one of them. If a guy can't realize you need more love, than I shouldn't be the one saying it either. I would want him to love me more because he feels it, not because I asked him for. Otherwise, how am I ever gonna know if that "more love" comes genuinely from him or it's just something he's doing because I've asked him to do so?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Go ask Alice, I think she'll know.

Life's about choices. That's exactly what is all about. If you take the blue pill, you've automatic rejected the red pill. Choosing is about excluding. If you could be with someone, but you're not, you just didn't choose to be with someone else. You also chose not to be with the first someone. So, every time you have to choose to do something, think about what you're losing with your choice. Because choices are about what you lose by making them, not what you've got with what you've chosen.

[ One pill makes you larger; one pill makes you small ]. 

Spread it!